By S. James Hyland - 10/27/10
Alright, I’m not even going to mention the formula this week. Obviously early it didn’t work, but once I got on my game, the G-Men got on their game. There’s no reason to go over for 3 pages about how when I drink Corona the defense stop them and when I drink Bud Light we score. It’s basically absolute fact at this point, and since it’s 2 AM on Tuesday morning, I won’t waste your time with it.
Let’s get to business: I just won some good cash off my father. You see my mother and my grandfather are die hard Giants fans. While at the same time, my father is a big time Cowboy fan. We used to bet a small amount of money on the game each year, but when I was a kid, the ‘boys used to dominate, and I’d be out some cash. Now that I’m older, I have money, and the Giants are solid, we can bet some real money.
The game started out with us crapping the bed early, but I will take blame for that. I bought a new Giants hat, and I was trying to break it in. Clearly I had no idea that I should wear the hat on my right knee on defense and wear it backwards on offense. It’s so damn easy.
Obviously I can’t write anything about this game without mentioning Romo getting knocked back in time by Boley. First off, there was nothing illegal about the hit. Did he have to drive him into the ground? Maybe not, but he wasn’t abusing the rule or anything. And if someone hit Eli like that and knocked him out for a while, I’d be calling out for his head. But the fact is that it was a legal hit, and Romo is out. On that note, Romo looked like a guy in a horrible car accident after taking the hit. Or even a guy that jumped out of a building and landed in a weird spot with his arms open. That was Romo.

(It was at this point that I passed out with my computer on my lap. I will now attempt to finish this column).
Alright to preface everything, we watched the game at my house. Going with the Manning jersey since it’s on a tear, and as I said I’m trying to break in this new Giants hat. I think the Giants had played with our momentum, which slowed us down a bit. But once they got used to the hat, the G-men picked it up.
To recap my night of drinking, I had about 4 Coronas, 6 or 7 Bud Lights, and then for some ungodly reason, I took 4 victory shots of Absolute. You know when something seems like a great idea at the time, but then you come to realize the next morning when you’re really hungover that it’s a terrible idea? Yeah, this was one of those.
On the bright side though, I did win a pretty penny from Papa Hyland. I’m assuming that this will be used next week when I have to buy more beer. What am I doing with my life?