By S. James Hyland - 9/14/10
First off, let me give you a quick overview of me. I’m into the following things: winning, sports, boobs, and beer, in that order. Each one trumps the latter, so winning comes first. I’m big into fantasy football, and also a big time gambler, both of which you’ll learn more of if you don’t stop reading after one column. Now with intros out of the way, let me describe to you how an alcoholic watches the Giants.
At 10AM I get a call from my buddy Woody telling me that he is having people over for the Giants game. He holds the opener at his place every year, and we stick with the same house until we lose a game, then we move onto someone else’s crib. But rather than just go to his house, have a few beers and watch the game, Woody wanted to go all out. So we set up a tent at his house, brought his grill onto his driveway and did a full out tailgate on his driveway. Neighbors looked on in amazement and terror as they watched eight 25-year-old men playing 2 on 2 tackle football while getting hammered. If I can’t be at the Meadowlands, I might as well be in my friend’s driveway getting blasted. So after a few games of 2 on 2, a few games of cornhole, and a few drinking games, the clock draws near to 1PM. Game time…
I go inside and get my seat laid out. I always go in the back corner where my view is not obstructed, but also, no one is on top of me. I prefer to watch the game as I drink my face off in peace. I feel like anyone reading this blog doesn’t need a recap of the game, since most likely they dvr’d it and watched it like porn. Rather than me go into detail about the horrors of the first half and the redemption that was the 2nd, let me just throw out my personal favorite moments from the 1st. First off, the center is wearing a microphone for the game, so we get the pleasure of hearing Eli sound more retarded than usual (laugh it up all you want Eagle and Cowboy fans. He’s still got a ring). Next up, Deon Grant had one of the best picks I’ve seen in a long time where he literally flipped over nabbing the interception. Then we had a pair of Hakeem Nicks TD’s followed by Steve Smith V1 (yes I’m blatantly stealing Bill Simmons here, but what white guy under 30 who writes for a blog doesn’t) coming down with the TD to end the half. Side note, I don’t care what anyone says; Carolina’s Steve Smith is a freak of nature. He’s like 5’2” but he’s faster than the Roadrunner and cleverer than Bugs Bunny. He gets crushed as he’s catching it to end the half, but holds on for the score. Yes I am a die-hard Giants fan, but Carolina’s Steve Smith is by far my favorite player in the league. But back to the game…
Obviously we all know what happened in the 2nd half. The Giants pour it on, and actually look like a team that can win this division. Perhaps I’m leaving out some important issues from the 2nd half, but it could be because I started to black out at this point. I will say this though. The Giants have literally had me bouncing back and forth on predictions for them the entire year. Before the pre-season, I have them at 9-7, possibly 10-6. After the Baltimore game, I have us at 6-10, maybe 7-9 if we steal one. Now after this game, and after how HORRID Dallas, Washington, and Philly looked, I’m back on the bandwagon giving the Giants a 10-6.
But let’s look at the rest of the NFL to see who really should scare you. The only team the entire weekend (and this includes San Diego because as I’m writing it’s just about halftime) that actually showed that they are a legit team was, and I hate to say it, New England. They DOMINATED a good team in Cincinnati. Other than that, no team really terrifies me. Houston looked good, but still, it’s Houston. Seattle looked great, but are we really buying back into the Seahawks again??? Of course not. Unless he’s buying Heisman Trophies, I don’t trust Pete Carroll with anything. But this is a Giants blog, so let’s focus on the division…
If Philly starts Kevin Kolb for any game this season then they might as well hire Isiah Thomas to run their franchise because they’ve given up. Has Kolb ever blown anyone away with his football ability? He had 2 great games last year: 1 was a shootout loss to New Orleans, and the other was a blow out win against Kansas City. Meanwhile, Michael Vick has pulled the greatest turnaround perhaps of all time. Just a few years ago people thought Vick was getting off easy on his jail time after the dog fighting stuff (which, no, I never got into. I’m a big fan of dogs. I have always wanted to see a cock fight though. No homo). Now, he has not only the city of Philadelphia, but basically a whole nation of football fans wanting to see him back as a starter. OJ Simpson is patiently waiting for a script to the Naked Gun 44 and ¼.
As for the rest of the division, here were the highlights of the Dallas/Washington game. Obviously the Tashard Choice play was a brilliant piece of coaching by the brilliant Wade Phillips. Also, for anyone who hates Wade Phillips, you’re an idiot. Wade Phillips proves that you don’t need talent to succeed; you just have to know the right people. Another great moment from the game was as Dallas was driving for the almost winning TD, Donovan McNabb was sitting off to the side giving a blank stare at the camera basically saying, “Wow, I guess Philly was right. I am a loser.” I should have taken a picture of it on my phone. Absolutely brilliant. Finally, how bad do you feel for Roy Williams? He loses his #1 receiver job to Miles Austin, then Dez Bryant basically took his #2, he finally gets the chance to be the hero, but a penalty costs him the play, and the winning TD. Back in my hay day, during situations like that, I used to say, “You got served.”
Sticking with that game, is anyone afraid of Keith Brooking? Remember when he was a younger Keith Brooking and he was basically the 2nd best white defender in the league behind Urlacher? Those days are far behind. When he was screaming for the Cowboys to get fired up, I realized that he doesn’t scare me at all. Ray Lewis scares me. Bart Scott scares me. Hell, my grandfather screaming when I drink all of his beer scares me. But a 62 year old Keith doesn’t do it for me.
I guess while commenting on the rest of the games, I have to mention the Jets tonight. They are an absolute joke. They may have the greatest defense ever to take the field, but I would take the Valley Cottage Indians of the Pop Warner League’s offense over theirs. It was pathetic. And I’m not saying that Eli is an elite QB, but when it’s 2 minutes left and my team is down 1, I feel completely comfortable with the ball in his hands. The Sanchize was throwing 5 yard passes across the middle, with no timeouts, then of course the heads up play by Dustin Keller to not push the ball over the marker for the first to end it, summed up the game nicely.

Great side note while watching the Jets game. I love how it’s somehow become acceptable to use stereotypes to support your QB. People were literally wearing sombreros to the game with Sanchez jerseys on. The only comparison I have to that is if fans of teams with a black QB bring buckets of KFC to the game. How was I the only one who noticed this? I want to know where this trend will go to next.
But before I sum up, let me say that thank God football is back. As a Yankee fan, when I had the choice to watch the Jets/Ravens game, a game which meant nothing to me, or watch Sabathia vs. Price in a game that the Yanks need if they want the division, and the game is 0-0 in the 9th, I chose to watch football. Thank God you’re back.
As far as a predication for next week against the Colts, let me put it this way: Is there anyone on the planet that thinks Peyton Manning is starting off 0-2? With that being said, Colts – 86, Giants – 7.
(FYI, I’ll delve more into my gambling next week. Wanted to give you my thoughts from around the league first. Let’s just say that I have 6 entries in a survivor pool. I took Giants for 3 of them, Miami on 1, Tennessee on 1, and damn San Fran on the last one. I am down to 5. More on that next week)